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❷ 我需要關於廢水處理的外文文獻 你有沒有了啊


❸ 急急急~~!求一篇環境工程的外文文獻


❹ 求助:2篇環境工程 含有廢水處理的 外文文獻 最好是帶中文翻譯的!急急急 拜託大家了!



❺ 求助!!生活污水處理的外文文獻

Raw Influent (Sewage) is the liquid waste from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks etc. Household waste that is disposed of via sewers. In many areas sewage also includes some liquid waste from instry and commerce. In the UK, the waste from toilets is termed foul waste, the waste from items such as basins, baths, kitchens is termed sullage water, and the instrial and commercial waste is termed trade waste.

The division of household water drains into greywater and blackwater is becoming more common in the developed world, with greywater being permitted to be used for watering plants or recycled for flushing toilets. A lot of sewage also includes some surface water from roofs or hard-standing areas. Municipal wastewater therefore includes residential, commercial, and instrial liquid waste discharges, and may include stormwater runoff. Sewage systems capable of handling stormwater are known as combined systems. Such systems are usually avoided since they complicate and thereby rece the efficiency of sewage treatment plants owing to their seasonality. In addition, heavy storms may overwhelm the sewage treatment system, causing a spill or overflow. It is preferable to have a separate storm drain system for stormwater.

The construction of combined sewers is a less common practice in the United States and Canada than in the past and is no longer accepted within building regulations in the UK and other European countries. Instead, liquid waste and stormwater are collected and conveyed in separate sewer systems, referred to as sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the U.S. and as foul sewers and surface water sewers in the UK. Overflows from foul sewers designed to relieve pressure from heavy rainfall are termed storm sewers or combined sewer overflows.

As rainfall runs over the surface of roofs and the ground, it may pick up various contaminants including soil particles, (sediment), heavy metals, organic compounds, animal waste, and oil and grease. Some jurisdictions require stormwater to receive some level of treatment before being discharged directly into waterways. Examples of treatment processes used for stormwater include sedimentation basins, wetlands, and vortex separators (to remove coarse solids).

The site where the process is concted is called a sewage treatment plant. The flow scheme of a sewage treatment plant is generally the same for all countries:

Mechanical treatment;
Influx (Influent)
Removal of large objects
Removal of sand and grit
Biological treatment;
Oxidation bed (oxidizing bed) or aeration system
Post precipitation
Chemical treatment (this step is usually combined with settling and other processes to remove solids, such as filtration. The combination is referred to in the US as physical-chemical treatment.).

希望我的回答能幫到你,祝你學習愉快,希望被採納為最佳答案。(Hope my answer will be of help to you, wish you learning time, hope to be adopted as the best answer.)

❻ 污水處理的畢業設計外文參考文獻都有什麼


❼ 急求一篇關於塗裝廢水處理的英文文獻及相應翻譯,請幫忙!!!


摘 要:本文針對汽車塗裝廢水中含有樹脂、表面活性劑、重金屬離子,Oil、顏料等污染物,特別是其中的電泳廢水、噴漆廢水成份復雜,濃度高,可生化性差的實際情況,採用分質處理、混凝沉澱、混凝氣浮、砂濾等工藝對塗裝廢水進行處理,取得了良好效果:CODCr去除率大於80%。實際運行表明,該工藝在技術和經濟上均是合理可行的。

Treatment technics of representative coating wastewater of automobile manufacturing

Abstract:In this article, in allusion to the contamination of coating wastewater of automobile manufacturing which contains resin, surface active agent, heavy metal ion, oil, paint, dyestuff etc, especially the ELPO wastewater and painting wastewater which is complex, and has high concentration. we use separated pre-treatment, coagulating sedimentation, air flotation and sand filtration to treat coating wastewater and obtains good results: the removal rate of CODCr could be higher than 80%. The operate of the set proved that under this condition, it would be practicable both in technology and economy.


Keywords:coating wastewater;separated pre-treatment;coagulating sedimentation;air flotation;sand filtration;Fenton reagent


1.1 塗裝廢水的來源及有害物質






1.2 廢水水質、水量




表1 間歇排放廢水的水質

pH 其它
預脫脂槽、脫脂槽廢槽液、後噴淋、浸漬槽廢槽液 2500~
250~400 9.5~11
表調槽廢槽液 15~30 8.5~10.5
磷化槽廢槽液、後噴淋、浸漬槽廢槽液 400~600 100~150 20~30 6
鈍化槽廢槽液、後噴淋、浸漬槽廢槽液 50~100 1~3 4~5
電泳廢槽液 3000~
81 7~9
中塗、面漆噴漆室水槽廢液 3000 5~6 漆渣


表2 連續排放廢水的水質

脫脂後沖洗廢水 300 25 10~20 7~8
磷化後沖洗廢水 20~30 12 8 6
鈍化後沖洗廢水 10~15 0.1 5~6
DI水噴淋槽噴淋廢水 3900 1~3 4
循環去離子清洗廢水 400 6
自泳後水洗溢流廢水 100~1000 8 7~9


2.1 塗裝廢水處理工藝流程



2.2 間歇預處理

2.2.1 脫脂廢液

另外,加酸後使脫脂廢液中的陰離子表面活性劑在酸性溶液中易分解而失去穩定性,失去了原有的親油和親水的平衡,從而達到破乳。經預處理後CODCr從2500~4000mg/L降低到1500~2400mg/L,去除率在40%左右;而含油量從300~950 mg/L降至50~70 mg/L,去除率高達90%~95%。

2.2.2 電泳廢液
在陰極電泳廢水中含有大量高分子有機物,CODCr最高可達20000mg/L,還含大量電泳渣,這些物質在水中呈細小懸浮物或呈負電性的膠體狀。處理中加入適當的陽離子型聚丙烯醯胺(PAM)和聚合氯化鋁(PAC)作混凝劑,利用絮凝劑的吸附架橋作用來快速去除廢水中的污染物。電泳廢液在預處理時要求pH值在11~12之間,有較好的沉澱效果。反應後的出水CODCr在2000 mg/L左右。

2.2.3 噴漆廢水


2.3 連續處理




重金屬離子和磷酸鹽中,由於Ni2+生成Ni(OH)2沉澱以及PO43-生成Ca3 (PO4) 2沉澱的最佳pH值是10以上;而Zn2+生成氫氧化物沉澱的最佳pH值范圍是8.5~9.5,pH過高會形成ZnO22-而溶解。所以要分二級混凝反應以分別去除Ni2+,PO43-和Zn2+ 。同時,混凝反應後的固液分離分別採用的是斜板沉澱池和氣浮池,這樣既可以用斜板沉澱池來去除比重較大的重金屬化合物沉澱,又可以用氣浮池來去除比重較輕的有機物等。

2.3.1 混凝沉澱


圖2 一級反應槽示意圖

2.3.2 混凝氣浮

2.4 深度處理



2.5 污泥處理


2.6 連續處理去除率分析


表3 連續處理效率

出水位置 CODCr去除率
斜板沉澱池出口 50%~60%
氣浮池出口 20%~25%
砂濾出口 15%


表4 廢水處理設施總排口監測數據

廢水處理裝置進口* 廢水處理裝置出口 上海市《污水綜合排放標准》(DB31/199–1997)
濃度最小值(mg/L) 濃度最大值(mg/L) 濃度平均值(mg/L) 濃度最小值(mg/L) 濃度最大值(mg/L) 濃度平均值(mg/L)
pH 6.94 8.96 8.32 7.57 8.85 7.8 6~9
CODCr 434 759 625 73 132 115.6 300 三級標准
SS 93 351 204 21 145 29 350 三級標准
BOD5 36 145 87 4 83 16.9 150 三級標准
Oil 2.6 11.5 5.1 0.1 0.9 0.6 10 二級標准
Zn2+** - - - 0.02 1.6 0.09 4.0 二級標准
Mn2+** - - - 0.05 0.26 0.16 5.0 二級標准
Ni2+** - - - ND 0.18 0.09 1.0 第一類污染物排放標准
苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.2 二級標准
甲苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.2 二級標准
二甲苯 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.6 二級標准


** Zn2+、Mn2+、Ni2+本次監測未分析,表中所列為該廠廢水處理站日常分析數據。




表5 本處理工程技術經濟指標

總投資/萬元 單位體積污水投資/萬元 年運行費用/萬元 單位體積污水處理費/元/m3
800 1.11 30 1.67

*年工作日按250天計,日處理水量為720 m3。




熊忠,林衍等 Fenton氧化法在廢水處理中的應用[J] 新疆環境保護,2002,24(2):35~39
張林生,魏峰等 物理化學法處理汽車工業電泳塗裝工藝中的超濾液廢水[J] 給水排水,1999,25(10):33~36
劉紹根,汽車塗裝廢水處理技術[J] 工業用水與廢水,2001,32(2):11~13
劉紹根,黃顯懷 物化—生化法處理汽車生產廢水[J] 給水排水,2001,27(12):53~56
廖亮,吳一飛等 磷化-噴漆線的廢水處理工藝研究[J] 環境技術,2000,18,(4):18~21

❽ 誰能給我介紹幾個免費下英文文獻的網站和資料庫 我需要下一篇有關味精生產工藝的英文文獻

According to reports, MSG is a sodium salt of glutamic acid C5H8NO4Na
For a flavor of the material, learning called glutamate, also known as monosodium glutamate. In addition it also contains a small amount of salt, water, fat, sugar, iron, phosphorus and other substances. MSG is a flavor condiments cooking materials, wheat, soybeans and other protein-containing raw materials more available or by the hydrolysis method using starch as raw material made by a fermentation process or crystalline powder spices, sugar beet can also be used and honey proced by chemical synthesis. MSG soluble in water, with moisture absorption, very delicious taste, soluble in water 3,000 times still has flavor, the best solution temperature is 70 ℃ ~ 90 ℃. MSG in general more stable under the conditions of the cooking process, but for a long time at high temperature, easy to become a focus of sodium glutamate, no significant flavor and slightly toxic; in alkaline or acidic solution, precipitation or difficult to dissolve, and its flavor is not apparent or even disappear. It is not only increase people's appetite, but also provide a nutritious homemade condiments.
First, the proction scale of monosodium glutamate factory
The proction scale of monosodium glutamate factory mainly determined by the market, followed by construction traffic, transportation, water, electricity, raw materials supply, sewage treatment and so on. The market share is determined by the brand and proction costs, mainly the latter. As long as the low cost of proction, market development has the potential, we can expand the proction scale.
1. MSG proction profile
At present, the proction of glutamate monosodium glutamate factory about 50 (to buy other than glutamic acid system MSG), MSG proction of goods in 2002 about 90 million tons, than 100 million tons this year. MSG basic balance of the current sales. The first half of this year e to "atypical pneumonia" effect, MSG weak market, proct backlog, but the second half of the sales situation is quite good, basic balance proction and sales. In the future, e to China's economic development and better living standards improve, a large number of rural surplus labor into the city, the entire food instry situation, the condiment proction increases, also increasing demand for MSG, but MSG proction development too fast, This is the manufacturer must see, can not be blind expansion.
MSG market, there is a strange phenomenon, that is, too-packing business, all small private enterprises, most of these people had in the MSG instry work, they occupy a certain market, but also in the capital, sales taxes and so are the means and flexibility with advantage. And some of the new northern extension of the MSG MSG plant or plant e to lack of market, selling a large number of large packages, but also to provide favorable conditions for repackaging and therefore, packaging and business teams will be expanded.
MSG manufacturer to win the competition in the market, not to be eliminated, we must do everything possible to play to their strengths, improve skills, rece proction costs.
2. Proction scale
Scale of proction depends on the market, and market share mainly determined by the cost of proction. The cost of proction depends mainly on the following four aspects: ① regional advantages (including raw materials, power prices and local policies, etc.); ② technical level and management level; ③ scale (in the small scale of proction, such as the annual output of 2 million tons below increase proctivity, decrease costs, but proction is large, has little effect); ④ operating costs (depending on equipment design, equipment and technology management, etc.).
Dominant is difficult to change, when a further expansion of large scale proction has little effect on proction costs. Proction costs should begin construction, attention to rational design of equipment, equipment for reasonable conct, the combination of proction scale and size of equipment, rece operating costs; selection of advanced proction technology and strengthen the technology management, improve the technological level and rece consumption.
Second, the size and number of fermentation equipment
Scale fermentation equipment refers to the size of the volume of fermentation, in considering the volume of the fermentation tank size, must also consider the number of fermentation tanks. Fermentation tanks from a single point of view, large volume, proction is easy and stable, high fermentation, glutamic acid per ton of theory of low power consumption, the operator less. However, the number of too little fermentation tank, water, electricity, steam, sterile air, power consumption imbalance, running costs high. The fermentation tank of about 10 for a combination of the lowest operating costs. Raw material input, power consumption, the most stable, balanced, management, operations staff at least.
Third, the fermentation process selection
Currently being used in a fermentation process of glutamate amount of biotin Asia, high biotin added penicillin and surface active agents, such as the three temperature-sensitive, these three characteristics of the fermentation process, fermentation technology, extraction methods and yield , the main raw materials, electricity, gas consumption see table.
Can be seen from the table, its advantages and disadvantages of three fermentation process, a single point of view from the fermentation technology for high-temperature-sensitive, select the fermentation process should be based on the specific circumstances of manufacturers, such as the use of raw materials, fermentation equipment, the extraction process, water, electricity, and sewage treatment and other conditions to decide. No matter what kind of process must be to achieve greater efficiency, lower consumption, lower costs, and not a one-sided pursuit of a high index. If the high consumption, high proction costs, is high in some indicators is not useful, comprehensive benefits must be considered.
I think we should draw on the advantages of the process and overcome its shortcomings, can raise the level of fermentation, but also high yield by extraction of the extraction process, to further improve the efficiency of glutamate proction, which is the direction of glutamic acid fermentation.

❾ 有關廢水處理的外文文獻和翻譯

一般的生活污水 工業廢水 還是什麼 能否具體點。。。
只要是維普 萬方之類的 都可以幫忙下。。。但是具體點吧

❿ 急求一篇英文文獻,主題是「廢水中重金屬的回收」或者相關文獻!!


Abslrat1: The effect of organic amendment~ on the oil content, heavy metsJs concentration and pH of petroleum contaminated sandy
loam ultisol obtained from Rumuekpe oil field in Emohua Loca.l Government Area of Rivers SUite, Nigeria. was determined, Petroleum
ronwminated !!Oils Wt-ft! tr'(:ated with wood ash, L":Omp:x;t and Mw.qt. The addition of organic amendment~ resulted in a significam(at
95% probability level) decrease in oil content by 92% for composting, 81% for !!cil trfu1lted with sawst and 58% for soil with a~h
suppltNUentati.on, ovfT 6 months. The effect of treatments on the iron( Fe), copper(Cu) and lead(Pb) concentration was &ignificant
at P < 0. 00 L The remediation also alfocted the pH of soil. This initial pH of S . 6 was depresseQ by the applk.ation of (."(lml);)st and
sawst supplements respecti\·rdy to a final pH of 5. 2 and 5 . 3. On the other hand, amending the soil with wcod ash mLqed the pH
from 5.6 to 6.2. Increased acidity caUSf'd a decrease in the heavy metals f'oncentration in the contaminated soil. Soil t~atrnent with
compost generally gave the best remedi.ation result&, followed by sawst and then ash. Adju:nLng the pH of oil conwmin.o.ted soil to
high acidic le\•els. may promote the avsJlability and mig't&tion of heavy metals in reme<liated soils and not necessarily th.e rate of oll



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