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发布时间:2021-11-23 11:41:56

Ⅰ 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下

The design of the Shenyang processing capacity of 450,000 tons of urban sewage calculation. Influent water quality : BOD5 = 200 mg / l, SS = 250 mg / l and 30 mg / l; heavy metals and toxic trace. Design effluent quality : = BOD5 30 mg / l, SS = 27 mg / l, 18mg / l removal : BOD5 = 85%, SS = 85%, 40%. Design of the proposed traditional activated sludge (conventional activated sludge process). Traditional activated sludge activated sludge is the earliest form, also known as the conventional activated sludge process. The process is characterized by : ① good effect : the removal of BOD5 up to 90 -95%; ② the wastewater treatment is relatively flexible and can be adjusted according to demand. Traditional activated sludge is a low-cost high efficiency of the sewage treatment method to efficiently remove organics, stay long Activated Sludge Process Nitrification is also functional. Conventional Activated Sludge Process of the main structures : the grid, the Grit Chamber, sedimentation tanks, tank and the sludge handling system components. Concrete structures and equipment as follows : a coarse grid coarse grid role is to remove coarse particles. prevent the pump unit and plug the pipeline valves, and ensure follow-up treatment facilities to normal operation. The design of the proposed use of two mechanical Grille, a group standby. Guo gate speed : 1.0 m / s; Rack spacing : 100mm; Selection PZ2500 high chain - grate discharge machine. 2 grid grid with the role of coarse grid similar to the main wastewater interception of the larger particles and floating objects. follow-up to ensure the smooth handling. Designed with five (two standby). Guo Gate velocity : 0.8m / s; Rack spacing : 20mm; Selection of GH-1600-Rotary Grille chain decontamination machine. 3 small grid of fine grid role is to further remove sewage suspensions. Using eight (two standby). Guo gate speed : 0.7 m / s; Rack spacing : 10 mm. Selection XWB-III models -1.5-2.5 back rake grid decontamination machine. 4 Grit Chamber adopted gallery Aerated Grit Chamber, which was characterized by the follow-up treatment can rece the difficulty. Grit Chamber of sewage into the level of velocity : 0.09 m / s; Residence Time : 6 min; aeration equipment used to be seven groups RD-125 Roots Blower (Group 2 standby); using gravity sand, sand road equipment used sand suction pump-type machine PXS3500. 5 aeration tank aeration tanks used rotary push type, to be built six, single-cell volume up to 2000m3. SRT to 6.67 d, aeration equipment used BER-type slide 37-BER underwater jet aerators 5 (two standby). BOD5 up to 85% more. 6 sedimentation tank design of this early Shen Shen pool and two ponds were used circular spokes flow sedimentation tank. In particular : the primary settling tank for six, single-cell pool diameter of 44 m; 2 Shen pool of 12, single-cell pool of 40 m diameter. Sedimentation tanks effective depth of 5 m and 4.5 m. 2 Mud pool scratching for ZG-45 drive-scratching surrounding Mud Center Drive arms and Scraper dredger. 7 sludge thickening tank designed with circular spokes-flow gravity concentration pool. Its characteristics are continuously operational, simple structure, convenient operation, small power consumption, low operating costs, sludge storage capabilities, and so on. Concentration for 24 h, the effective depth of 5 m, the concentration of solid flux pool M = 30kg / m • d, concentrated moisture content of 97%. 8 sludge digestion Ikemoto designs columnar Digester, one, two Digester use the same pool type, Digester with a four, two Digester 2. Digester D diameter 28.5 m used to collect gas masks diameter d1 = 3m, h1 = 2.5m high, bottom end cone diameter d2 = 3m, Digester cylinder height of 20m. Digester with a two Digester stayed for more than two hours : 1 9 sludge dewatering belt design using three dewatering machine (a standby). Model : DY-3000-belt press filter. Belt filter press sludge dewatering were affected by the fluctuations in the load small, but also up the soil moisture content is low consumption of less stable work, management control is relatively simple to operate, low quality of the features. With the above processes, drainage can be achieved two urban sewage discharge standards (GB8978-1996). meet the design requirements. Keywords : traditional activated sludge (conventional activated sludge process); Aeration sand; Plug-Flow pond; Radial flow Carpenter Love Da Wu? sludge thickening; Sludge digestion; Sludge Dewatering

Ⅱ ”保护水资源“英语作文,快,自己写我给悬赏,!!!!!!!!!

The water is the life fountainhead, as the saying goes, the “person may not eat meal by first, but cannot on first not drink water the “humanity's life to the boiling water, the water is not the humanity lives the essential important resources.
According to the material demonstrated that, on the Earth can by the human direct use fresh water resources, only occupy the Earth 0.3%. On the Earth the overwhelming majority area all seriously lacks the water, many trees. The village and the paddies other desert swallows, the desert area is expanding graally. The fresh water resources rection, has affected humanity's economic development seriously, also is threatening humanity's survival. Saves the water used, protected the water resources already to cause the universe to take highly.Constructs a water source to be rich. The clear waters beautiful homeland is our desire.
However, in ours life, the waste water resources phenomenon is quite serious.. The material investigates which from us indicated that, in our real life, in ours periphery, the waste water resources situation is extremely astonishing. . Says first our school, we have paid attention, the classroom building the water hydrant sometimes the water cock has gone bad, Shui Huahua subcrust current does not stop.Some water cocks are frequently drop of drop of water toward the outside drop, these did not know has wasted how much water situation, on the very many family surface looked saves the water used very much, in fact is in the waste water resources.Some family kitchen and the bathroom water cock water day in day out all drops in one drop of one drop toward inside the water jar and the Chu bucket, however the water jar and the Chu bucket water in does not stop actually toward the outside flows in the sewer.有的家庭将一些完全还可以利用的水, 像淘菜和洗脸的水 一盆一盆的直接 入下水道, 看看这些被浪费的水 ,如果一年到头一滴一滴的往外滴水的话 ,就会滴下大约 吨的水。 可想而知, 每年别滴掉的水, 在我们生活中被浪费的水真是无法计算 ,如果要认真地计算 其结果一定会让惊讶得目瞪口 !
在我们浪费水的同时,也在污染着我们的水源 一些城镇将生活污染水和工业废水直接排入江河,有的将垃圾和死了的牲畜直接抛入河流中,让河水不能给人类提供方便了 。
人人节约用水个个珍惜和保护水资源, 还我们一个绿树成荫.鸟语花香.河水清清 . 鱼儿欢畅的美好生活环境吧!

Ⅲ 使城市增加生活用水和工业用水的污水处理费增加 。英语怎么翻译

Making the sewage treatment fee increased for increasing the living water and instrial water in the city

Ⅳ 加拿大留学费用来说说 到底需缴纳多少费用

如果留学生想住在校外,市中心的住宿费用要远远比郊区贵,而且差异十分明显。例如多伦多市中心的三居室,每月的房租大概是1700-2500 CAD,而郊区三居室的房租大概是1200-1800 CAD。
对于900平方英尺(85平方米、的房子来说,取暖费和能源费大概是175-250 CAD。
就网费来说,每月的费用大概是20-60 CAD;有限电视大概是25-50 CAD;电话费用大概是20-40 CAD;手机费用至少是40 CAD。
到超市购物或者到餐厅吃饭都是比较贵的,例如,一块面包就需要3 CAD(当然,味道也是超好吃的、。
在中等餐厅,两人一顿晚餐的费用大概是60 CAD。
留学生在上学期间需要缴纳健康保险。有些学校给留学生设有专门的保险项目,每年的费用大约是200-700 CAD。

Ⅳ 英语翻译 高分求助


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杰克逊,M。李,1973年。土壤化学分析。全印度的私营公司、新Delhi. 211 - 214页。
KUSHARI、D.P.,1986年。研究slow-flowing Azolla水体中hiofertilizer和沼气生产。触发。Nat。学会。科学、印度、56(B):165 - 168间,11。
LUMPKtN T.A.和D.L. PLUCKNETI”,1980。Azolla、植物学、生理和;利用作为一个绿色肥料。经济形势。Dot.、第三十四条:111 - 153。
MOOREHEAD,K.K. GRAETZ和K.R.雷迪经营,检察官,1987。anaerobically消化分解的新鲜和植物生物在土壤中。[j].环境。农业环境保护、十六25 - 28。
PANSE,V.G. SUKHATME,1967年费,。统计方法对农业工人。第2版。印度议会的农业研究,新德里。
他D.L. ORNES,1977年,W.H.。Spirode增长/博/ yrhiza在静态的污水。Aquat。Dot.、3:231 - 237。
SRIRAMALU,B.N. BHARGAVA,1980年。项目的报告,从水中生物的钻井Govt.风信子,印度新德里。
问:D.P. KUSHARI TAHERUZZAMAN,1988。丰富的影响”就是恒河水河污水处理厂的生物量产量
Azolla-Anabaena复杂。Hydrohiol。公牛。(阿姆斯特丹)(1):173 - 182。
问:D.P. KUSHARI TAHERUZZAMAN,1988。Eichhornia产率的凤眼莲师。)Solms”就是恒河水河中。Hydrobiol。公牛。(阿姆斯特丹),(2):22 - 171。
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生态研究室、植物学、Burdwan大学,Burdwan - 713 104、西孟加拉、印度。



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