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发布时间:2022-06-26 10:01:57

『壹』 未经处理而排放的工业废水和生活污水的翻译是:什么

instrial waste water and daily life sewage discharged without processing

『贰』 我们不应该乱排放废水,英语翻译

We should not drain away the polluted water casually.

『叁』 翻译成英文: 2006-2010年丹东市工业废水排放量及主要污染物排放; 2006-2010年丹东市化学需氧量排放量...

The wastewater and rmajor pollutants emitted from instries in Dandong, 2006-2010; The instry distribution for COD (chemical oxygen demand) in Dandong, 2006-2010

『肆』 排放污水用英语怎么说

排放污水 : sewage effluent

. . . 香港建造业常用英文词汇四 ...
sewage disposal 污水排放
sewage effluent 排放污水
sewage pipe 污水管 ...
Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.

2. 禁止向生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区的水体排放污水。
It is forbidden to discharge sewage into water bodies within the firstgrade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water.

3. 向城市污水集中处理设施排放污水、缴纳污水处理费用的,不再缴纳排污费。
Those who discharge sewage to the central treatment facilities and pay the fees for sewage treatment shall be exempted from the pollutant discharge fee.

『伍』 工厂不要乱排放工业废水的翻译是:什么意思



The factories don't dischargewaste instrial waste water.

『陆』 工业生产排放的废气英文

"Instrial wastes" is the general term of "waste water,waste resie ,waste gas".prosed ring the instrial proction.The discharge rate of the instrial wastes is the main index of the low-carbon circumstance of an enterprise.The wastes' discharge rate=the total wastes/the total materials.

『柒』 废水英文怎么说啊


『捌』 氯碱工业废水处理实践与探索 (翻译成英语)

Chlor-alkali instry proction process of wastewater quality water, because changes, polluting substances, high-sodium, also contains ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus, biochemical, become the instry with difficulty. Through the process of chlor-alkali instry wastewater treatment for exploration and practice of chlor-alkali instry wastewater discharge standards and methods of the points.

『玖』 大一的英语作文

大一的fresh man一般写3段式是最合理的,随便给你弄一篇吧^.^但是要给我分哈O(∩_∩)O。

The Way to Protect Our Environment

By seeing our world becoming more developed and our environment being worse protected. Both joys and sorrows crossed in my heart.Suppose we do not protect our environment,as funny as I am wrote, we are doomed to live in the moon.Hence,with both joys and sorrows,together with the need of protecting our environment,several ways to protect our environment are presented here as follows. (看着我们的世界越来越发达,我们的环境质量却日益的衰退,我的心里真的是喜怒交加,假设我们不保护我们的环境,开个玩笑的说来,我们就注定搬到月球上去住了。因此,居然注定有喜有悲,也必须要保护我们的环境,下面有几点是我在这列出来保护它的。)
First thing first,remind our people of the significance of protecting environment.Environment,as a friend of us,provides us with beautiful sights,such as, the Great Wall,the Summer palace,the Temple of Heaven,etc.If we just enjoy it,have fun with it,and even abuse it, it will never be a beauty again.so,that is why I mentioned in the first place.(第一重要的事情往往首先提出来,那就是:提醒我们的人们保护环境的重要性。我们的环境就像我们的朋友一样,为我们提供了漂亮的风光,比如说长城,颐和园,天坛等等。如果我们只是享受它,把它当笑柄一样来看待,甚至胡乱的对待它,它将永远失去它的那一份美丽,所以,这就是我为什么首先提出的原因)
Besides, it is not that simply easy to regenerate our environment in a day or in a month.It will take us thousands of labours to rebuild it and it will spend several years or even more in giving a second birth to our environment.How expensive the expenses are,let's think it over and over again.Should we just stand there doing nothing?The answer is that we need to sustain the friendly relationship with environment hand by hand,not to diacard any rubbish ,not to discharge toxic gas and instrial waste water.Thus, we will be loved as we love it the same way.(此外,重新滋养我们的环境可不是想象中一天两天那样简单,我们需要成千上万的劳工,我们也需要花上几年甚至是更多的时间去修复。我们都应该仔细的想想,这是多么昂贵的代价啊。难道我们只是站在那里什么都不做吗?答案当然是否定的,我们需要手牵手的和环境保持良好的朋友关系,不要随意丢垃圾,不要随意排放有毒气,也不要任意排放工业废水。这样的话,我们就会被环境所关爱,就象我们关爱它那样)

Last but not least,be aware of the sense of justice and the sense of beauty by protecting our environment.This can do no harm to anybody thoughout the world.You are supposed to protect our environment with a sense of justice,let it be felt like a renasonable thing you have done and advise others to love it.Then,you will feel comfortable,peaceful in mind and feel that you have got two virtues.
As a whole,I no more stronglybelieve that protecting our environment will bring us more benifits than I believe that ruining our environment can make it better.



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