導航:首頁 > 廢水污水 > 人們大量排放污水用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-08-25 04:15:43

『壹』 人們也在減少工廠污水的排放量 英文翻譯 !!在線等!!急!!

People are also reing the factory sewage letting quantity.

污水可以翻譯成 wastewater 或者 sewage
工廠的話,翻譯成 plant 或者 factory 都沒問題

emission 主要是指光、氣之類物質的放出,用在專污屬水上並不恰當

『貳』 工廠總是排放大量的污水 英語 翻譯

The factory always dischares a great deal of waste water .

『叄』 用英語翻譯下列句子:現在人們不珍惜用水,用過的污水隨便倒,工廠到處排放污水,導致水污染嚴重。

Now people don't cherish water. They pour the used dirty water casually. The factories let out the polluted water everywhere, which leads to serious water pollution.

『肆』 "工廠每天排放大量的污水導致河流變臭"用英語怎麼說

Water has begun to smell because factories
mped pollutants into rivers everyday.

『伍』 亂排放污水 英文翻譯

Disorderly discharge sewage

『陸』 「我們的城市很擁擠並且還要很多污染,比如,汽車尾氣、工廠排放的污水等」用英語怎麼翻譯

Our city is very crowded and also has a lot of pollution, for example, exhaust, factoryemissions of sewage etc.

『柒』 1.適合人類喝的水越來越少2.在日常生活中,有些人很浪費水3.不少工廠排放大量的污水到河流的英語翻譯

1. The water suitable for human drinking is becoming less and less.
2. In everyday life, some people are very wasteful in water.
3. Many plants release large quantities of sewage into the rivers.

『捌』 排放污水用英語怎麼說

drain the waste water

『玖』 求助,排放污水英語怎麼說

Effluent discharge

Effluent discharge

『拾』 如今,現在的污水排放,導致了大量的水被污染,可應用水也逐漸減少.翻譯成英文

Today,the effluent,resulting in a number of the water was contaminated with water,but should graally rece



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